

5,000円以上ご購入で送料無料。 送料(本州660円、北海道880円、沖縄、離島1360円)代金引換手数料330円

TIAMA® ニンニクand CBD 2粒x5個入り

  • おすすめ商品
¥2,380 税込
商品コード: KKG037
お買い物を続ける カートへ進む
TIAMA™ニンニクandCBDは独自の製法により摘出した濃縮ニンニクエキスは二日酔いの不快感予防や疲労回復に最適です。 腸で溶けて無臭なので匂いの心配もありません。

1箱 2粒×5パック(10粒)










*多量の摂取により疾病が治療したり、より健康が増進するものではありません。一日の摂取目安量を守ってください。*原材料をご参照の上、食品アレルギーのある方は摂取しないでください。また、体質や体調によりまれに合わない場合があります。その場合は、摂取を中止してください。*薬を服用・通院中の方は、医師にご相談ください。 *商品により多少の色、においの違いがありますが、品質に問題ありません。*原材料の性質により、色、においが変わる場合がありますが、品質に問題ありません。 *乳幼児の手の届かないところに置いてください。*ぬれた手で触らず、衛生的にお取り扱いください。*開封後は、封を閉めて保管し、なるべく早くお召し上がりください。


TIAMA GARLIC and CBD (2 tab x 5 pcs)

TIAMA™ GARLIC and CBD use a inspissated garlic essence that extracted by the unique method
and perfectly suits for ease discomfort of hangover and relieving fatigue.
It dissolves in the intestines and is odorless, so you don't need to worry about odor.

1 pack: 2 tablets x 5 pcs (10 tablets)

●Inspissated Garlic Essence

It is known to increase the absorption efficiency of vitamin B1.
Similarly, allyl cysteine which is contained in garlic is effective for relieving fatigue.
Therefore, it is expected to help preventing hangovers and ease discomfort.

●Olive Oil (Made in Spain)
It has antioxidant property and also helps to improve the intestinal environment.

●Ginger Extract
It helps to promote blood flow and reducing nausea.

Adequate Intake
Usage: Take 2 tablets a day with water or other liquids without chewing.


High doses do not cure disease or improve health. Please follow the recommended adequate intake.
If you are allergic to some foods, please do not take the product.
Also, it may not be suitable for you depending on your constitution or physical condition,
so please discontinue to take the product in this case.
Please consult your doctor if you are taking any medication or visiting a hospital.

The color and odor may vary slightly depending on the individual products and the feature of the materials, but there is no problem at quality.
Keep out of reach of infants.
Do not touch with wet hands, and handle it with care for hygiene.
Keep the package closed and consume as soon as possible after opening.

Have a balanced diet based on a main meal, a main dish, and a side dish.